Julia Schneider Author

Berlin-based comic essayist Julia Schneider, aka Doc J Snyder, is a former AI consultant and PhD economist. Her internationally acclaimed comic essays aim to be profound without being didactic, bridging the gap between intellect and intuition. Through her work, she explores complex yet vital topics at the convergence of technology, art, economics, and social utopias, such as AI, money, or work.

Web: docjsnyder.net

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drjuliaschneider/ 

Instagram: @docjsnyder

Pauline Cremer Illustrator

Pauline Cremer is a freelance illustrator and graphic designer based in Berlin, Germany. Her work approaches complex topics in a humorous and playful way. In addition to digital illustration, she enjoys experimenting with various printmaking techniques, such as linocut. Her illustrations have been published in the „Berliner Zeitung“, magazines such as »Delayed Gratification« and in the daily newspaper »Der Tagesspiegel«.

Web: paulinecremer.com

Twitter: @CremerPauline

Instagram: @pauline_illustration

Birds on Mars 

Birds on Mars GmbH, a new generation consultancy and AI agency, contributed to this comic with their expertise and passion for the connections of AI and sustainability. Through innovative enterprise solutions, BoM combines human creativity, machine intelligence and organizational identity to meet the challenges of our time.

Web: birdsonmars.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/birdsonmars/

Instagram: @birdsonmars_berlin